The Manuals


Click the Settings link the sidebar, to go to the members page. Here you can create, upload, edit, approve users and also edit permissions of the members in the organization. This page is only visible to you if you have been granted this specific access.

Creating a Member

In the members page, click the button

, to go to the new members form. Fill out all the fields and create the member by pressing the create button.

Approving a member with permissions

After creating a member, the member has to be approved by the member who has the approval authority in Pulse.

For the approval authority, this newly created user will be displayed in unapproved users list as shown below.

Here the member Paula is yet to be approved. To approve the user, click the Approve button. It will redirect to the approvals setting page. After selecting the permissions for this user click the “Approve” button.

Once the user is approved, they will receive an email with login credentials.

This user can now be added to projects and can login and start booking time.

Editing member basic details

In Approved Users section, all the users will be listed. We can search the user by typing his name in the search bar under approved users section.

We can click the user name and it will be task us to the page where we can edit the user details.

Clicking the edit button on the right side of each section will allow you to edit the information in that section.

Deactivating a Member

In member’s page, there will be a Deactivate button below the project membership section.

The deactivated user cannot be added to any project and cannot login into pulse.

To reactivate the deactivated member, go the member’s page and press the Reactivate button.

Member Upload

To upload multiple members at the same time, click the Members upload button in the members page.

Click the members upload button to go to the page where we can download the member upload template. Once the template in downloaded, fill the member’s names, and other details and save the file.

Then click the browse button to select the file from your computer and press the upload button. The users will be created and invited to Pulse. Uploaded members are auto approved and therefore upload feature is available only to members with approval access.

Salary Upload to all the members

In Pulse, we can also upload members salary. To upload salary, click the salary upload button.

It will be task us to the page where we can download the template.

In template, all the members in the organization will be listed. Their department and pay scale will be left blank. Fill out the department and pay scale in the template and save the file. Now click the browse button and select the file from your computer and press upload button to save the details in the template.

Add Project Memberships to member

In Pulse, we don't always need to go to the projects page to add members to a project, We can also add projects to a member from a member's profile page.

We can add members to multiple projects. Click on edit, and select the project to which the member has to be added and click "Add" button.

To remove a member from a project hover over the project name and click the trash icon.

Transfer Role to another member

If a new employee is taking over from outgoing employee, you can transfer the outgoing employee's memberships and permissions to a the new employe using the Transfer Role option.

After deactivating a user, a new button called Transfer Role will appear.

By clicking the Transfer Role button you will be redirected to role transfer page. You can specify the role to be transfered, and select the user to whom you want to transfer and press Transfer button