The Manuals

Standard Rates

In Settings page click the tab Standard Rates, in the standard rates page we can manage the organization’s department, pay scales and standard rates for each of those pay scales.

Creating a New Department

To create a new department, press the new department button

It will take us to a page where we can add a new department. Fill out the department name and pay scales required and press the Create department button. We can enter as many pay scales as required for a department.

Editing a department

To edit a department, press the edit button on the right side of the department name.

To edit Client Service, click the Edit button and it will be redirected to the client service edit page.

In edit page, we can add or deactivate pay scales and edit the department’s name. To add pay scales, click the + add one more button at the bottom. To deactivate pay scale uncheck the checkbox in the active column.

After editing the department click the update department button to save all the changes we have done.